Idea Materia
Can Ideas be Measured by Science?
By Patrick J. Ricard
How is it possible that throughout history several inventors around the world have independently invented the same things at the same time? Why does history repeat itself? How do birds know how to migrate, and how can “instinct” be explained? Idea Materia: Can Ideas be Measured by Science? offers an intriguing explanation: a subatomic field of energy that acts as a reservoir of knowledge and ideas that all species can access. Author Patrick J. Ricard proposes that this field — idea materia — crosses the barriers of time and space and allows for individuals to access ideas from the past as well as create new ones that are then held for others to access.
• Can one’s identity exist outside of an individual’s lifetime?
• How can other species know and experience the objectively real universe?
• Can “truth” be known given how human knowledge is obtained and organized?
About Patrick J. RicardIdea Materia, Patrick J. Ricard's first in a series of four books that will explore, "Can Ideas be measured by science; the codification of knowledge; speculative theories of gravity, dark matter, and a theory of everything; and finally, static and fluid time," have been written to expand everyday ideas, and are a source of intellectual play for everyone who reads them.